
Monday Jun 25, 2012
Job 38 - The greatness of the Creator and the problem of suffering
Monday Jun 25, 2012
Monday Jun 25, 2012
God's power is inherent in creation. But what happens when things go wrong - earthquakes, bushfires, tsunamis or natural disasters of all types? Since the fall, we, like Job, experience suffering and death as separation from God - as if God's power is turned against us. Is God not loving? Is God not powerful? These questions are addressed in this sermon preached at Sunday night at St John's on Sunday 24th June, 2012. You can use this sermon in conjunction with the Bible Study found at this link and the Prezi zooming visual found at this link. Enjoy! Nathan

Monday Jun 18, 2012
Like a seed...the parables of the Kingdom from Mark 4:24-36
Monday Jun 18, 2012
Monday Jun 18, 2012
Most of us think we know what the parables of Jesus are...stories to help us understand aspects of Jesus' teaching. But Jesus' parables are always subversive, surprising, and unexpected. In Mark 4, Jesus again surprises his hearers (and us!) by saying 'The Kingdom of God is like... a mustard seed?!' Seriously, Jesus, what are you talking about? There is much good news for us here in these parables of the mustard seed and the growing seed. This sermon was preached at St John's Southgate Lutheran Church on June 17, 2012. It can be used with the bible study to be found on this page and the Prezi zooming visual presentation found at this link. Enjoy!

Tuesday Jun 12, 2012
Chris and Joshua - an allegory of Romans 8:9-21
Tuesday Jun 12, 2012
Tuesday Jun 12, 2012
My name is Chris and I'd like to share my story with you... Romans 8 says that we have not been given a spirit of slavery to fear, but a spirit of sonship/adoption, and we can call God 'Abba, Father' with joyful confidence. This sermon powerfully allegorises this great truth. It was preached on Sunday 3rd June, 2012, at St John's Southgate Lutheran Church. Enjoy!

Monday May 28, 2012
The Prayer of Jesus (John 17)
Monday May 28, 2012
Monday May 28, 2012
Do you ever wonder what Jesus has been doing all this time since he 'ascended to the right hand of the Father'? Actually, Jesus' work for us continues - he continues to intercede for his people. The High-Priestly prayer of Jesus in John 17 gives us a glimpse into his ongoing work on our behalf. This sermon was preached on Sunday 20th May 2012 at St John's Southgate Lutheran Church. You can view the Prezi visual presentation at this link. Enjoy!

Monday May 28, 2012
The work of the Holy Spirit - Paraclete (John 15 and 16)
Monday May 28, 2012
Monday May 28, 2012
When Jesus is describing the work of the Holy Spirit to his disciples, he uses a Greek word which is hard to translate because of its wide variety of meanings. The word is transliterated into English as paraclete (not parakeet- that's a bird). As we unfold the meanings and aspects of the work of the Holy Spirit - Paraclete, we see just how good it is and what a great gift that God sends us his Holy Spirit! This sermon was preached on Pentecost Sunday, May 27th 2012, at St John's Southgate Lutheran Church. It is designed to be used with the bible study found at this link. You can also view the Prezi visual presentation at this link. Enjoy!

Monday May 14, 2012
The Good News Goes Global - Peter and Cornelius (Acts 10)
Monday May 14, 2012
Monday May 14, 2012
Could the Good News possibly be for those outside God's 'chosen people' - the Jews? Peter certainly took some convincing that this was the case, but when he visited Cornelius's household, he proclaimed the Gospel and God poured out his Holy Spirit 'even on them!' Acts 10 tells of this 'Gentile Pentecost' - the pivotal event in the history of the early church that showed that 'the Good News is for everybody' and opened the way for the good news to 'go global' so that repentance and forgiveness of sins would be proclaimed in Jesus' name to all nations. This sermon was preached on Sunday May 13th at St John's Southgate Lutheran church. It can be usedwith the Bible study to be found at this link and with this Prezi zooming visual presentation. Enjoy!

Wednesday May 09, 2012
You've been set up - Acts 8, Philip and the Ethiopian
Wednesday May 09, 2012
Wednesday May 09, 2012
Have you ever been 'set up' for a (delightful) surprise by friends - say a surprise party that you were completely unaware of until it happened ? In the passage from Acts 8, it is clear that God has been 'setting up' the Ethiopian official from hundreds of years before he was born, to prepare him to receive the good news of Jesus. God does the same in our lives. He plants the seed of the Word in the soil of a heart prepared to receive it, and waters it with baptism and the power of the Holy Spirit...to produce a delightful result, a multiplying of the seed of his word and faith. This sermon was preached on Sunday May 5th at St John's Southgate Lutheran Church. It can be used in conjunction with the bible study to be found at this link. Enjoy!

Monday Mar 26, 2012
A new heart and a new covenant - Jeremiah 31:31-34
Monday Mar 26, 2012
Monday Mar 26, 2012
Donald Miller writes in Blue Like Jazz, '...I honestly don't believe we will be solving the greater human problem with our efforts. The problem is not a certain type of legislation or even a certain politician; the problem is the same that it has always been. I am the problem...This is the hardest principle in Christian spirituality for me to deal with. The problem is not out there; the problem is the needy beast of a thing that lives in my chest...' God deals with the problem of the human heart through forgiveness - through a new covenant in which he promises that people will know him personally, and he will implant his law in their minds and hearts. This sermon outline from Jeremiah 31:31-34 shows how God deals with the problem of the human heart and how Jesus inaugurates that new covenant. It can be used with the bible study found at this link. Enjoy!

Thursday Mar 15, 2012
Where is God to be found? John 2 - Jesus and the clearing of the temple
Thursday Mar 15, 2012
Thursday Mar 15, 2012
Where is God to be found? Where can we find access to God? For the Jews of Jesus' day, the answer was simple and clear: we find access to God at the Temple in Jerusalem. It is only with this background that we can understand the stunning impact of Jesus' prophetic action of clearing the temple. Jesus is acting as if HE is the Temple in person - as if HE is the one who grants access to God. He thus claims to embody Israel's God, and grants us access to God. This sermon was preached on Sunday 11th March (Lent 3) 2012. The Prezi visual presentation that accompanies this sermon can be found at this link.

Monday Mar 05, 2012
An invitation into Life - Sermon on Mark 8:31-39
Monday Mar 05, 2012
Monday Mar 05, 2012
Jesus' life and ministry is a true reflection on the Paradox at the Heart of the Universe: that seeking our own life, fulfillment and happiness is ultimately futile, and it is only through giving our life away that we find true life. Jesus invites us to share not only suffering and death, but also resurrection life - the life that only he can give, through his own suffering and death. His call to discipleship is a call into the paradoxical life which he gives. This sermon on Mark 8 was preached on Sunday 4th March at St John's Southgate Lutheran Church. It is designed to be used with a bible study that can be found at this link. The Prezi zooming visual presentation for the sermon can be found at this link. Enjoy!