
Tuesday Oct 23, 2012
The Suffering Servant - Isaiah 53:4-12
Tuesday Oct 23, 2012
Tuesday Oct 23, 2012
He was pierced for our transgressions
he was crushed for our iniquities
the punishment that brought us peace was upon him
and by his wounds we are healed...
Isaiah 53, 'The Suffering Servant' passage is one of the clearest and most powerful Messianic prophecies in the whole of the Old Testament.
It speaks of God's servant taking on himself ALL aspects of humanity's brokenness, pain and suffering...in order that we might be healed.
This sermon proclaims the great good news found in this stunning passage.
The sermon includes Walter Wangerin Jr's story The Ragman, the Ragman, the Christ...with no breach of copyright intended, as a powerful story which portrays the truth of the Suffering Servant passage.
This sermon was preached at Sunday Night at St John’s, Southgate, on Sunday 21st October 2012.
It is designed to be used with:
- the bible study found at this link

Monday Oct 08, 2012
Welcome to the Family! Hebrews 1 and 2 and the brotherhood of Jesus.
Monday Oct 08, 2012
Monday Oct 08, 2012
Does God exist?
Can God be known?
Two of the most important questions of all time, for all people.
We can discover that they are answered with a resounding YES! In Jesus, God not only shows his existence, but reveals himself most clearly.
And Jesus welcomes us as brothers and sisters into the family of God. What awesome good news.
This sermon was preached at Sunday Night at St John’s, Southgate, on Sunday 7th October 2012, the occasion of an adult baptism and confirmation.
It is designed to be used with:
- the bible study found at this link
- the Prezi zooming visuals found at this link.

Monday Sep 10, 2012
Missio Dei Part 4 - Shalom, Oikos and the person of Peace (Luke 10:5-6)
Monday Sep 10, 2012
Monday Sep 10, 2012
Shalom means wholeness, balance, well-being, safety, and prosperity. It is everything in its right place - life exactly as God planned it, life without the effects of sin, evil, and death. (Mark Sayers, the Vertical Self, p138-139)
Jesus sends out his followers on his mission of 'peace' - not just 'Serenity' (as in the movie The Castle) but of bringing and proclaiming this kind of shalom to the people and places they visit.
In Luke 10:5-6 Jesus says "When you enter a house, first say, 'Peace to this house.' If a person of peace is there, your peace will rest on them; if not, it will return to you."
These verses help us understand the vital missional importance of shalom, oikos (a network of interconnected relationships) and the 'person of peace' in God's mission, and our part in that.
This sermon was preached on Sunday September 9th at St John's Southgate Lutheran Church, among the Lutheran Students and Friends community.
It is designed to be used with:
It's part 4 in a series. You can find most of the other sermons and bible studies on this podcast. Enjoy!
Wednesday Aug 29, 2012
Missio Dei part 2 - Prayer and Spiritual Warfare in Mission from Luke 10:2-3
Wednesday Aug 29, 2012
Wednesday Aug 29, 2012
The 10:02 conspiracy. Do you know what it is? Do you want to join? Be careful because it puts you right in the line of fire... Prayer is an absolutely vital part of participating in God's mission to the world, as is recognising the reality of the battle we are in. Jesus says in Luke 10:2-3, 'The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Therefore, beg the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest. Go! I am sending you out like lambs among wolves...' With these succinct verses, Jesus lays out the necessity of prayer and the reality of the battle. This sermon dives into these two verses from Luke 10 and unpacks how they relate to us and to God's mission. This sermon was preached on Sunday 26th August at St John's Southgate Lutheran Church. It is designed to be used with the related Bible study to be found at this link and the Prezi zooming visuals found at this link. (Note for the Prezi: this is an edited and updated version of last week's Prezi. Click through the path till you get to Luke 10:2, to synch with this week's sermon MP3). Enjoy!

Monday Aug 20, 2012
Monday Aug 20, 2012
'It is not that the church of God has a mission in the world. It is that the God of mission has a church in the world.' This remarkable quote sets the scene for unfolding our calling as God's 'sent ones' - missionaries - who participate in God's self-giving love to the world. What does it look like to be part of God's mission in urban Melbourne (or elsewhere) in the twenty-first century? This sermon begins to unfold God's plan for his people in mission, through drilling deeply into Luke 10:1, where Jesus sends out seventy-two 'ordinary' people. Luke 10 is a paradigm for mission not only in the early church but in the new millenium. In coming weeks the sermon series will dwell in this chapter and consider the graceful call and sending of Jesus as he unfolds it to the seventy-two (and to us!). The sermon is designed to be used together with:
The sermon was preached at St John's Southgate Lutheran Church among the Lutheran Students and Friends community on Sunday August 19th, 2012. Enjoy!
Tuesday Aug 07, 2012
Why Matter Matters - Stewardship of Creation and Care of God's Earth
Tuesday Aug 07, 2012
Tuesday Aug 07, 2012
Matter matters. Matter matters to God. Unfortunately, Christians and humans sometimes act as if matter doesn't matter, as if the soul and spirit are more important than the physical creation, including this planet and our own bodies. All three members of the Holy Trinity are involved in creation and delighted in it. God seeks to redeem not just sinful people, but a sin-scarred cosmos. Since matter really matters, how should we then live? This sermon seeks to present why matter matters and how we as God's people can respond by stewarding and caring for creation. This sermon is designed to be used with the bible study found at this link and the Prezi zooming visuals found at this link. This sermon is number four in a four-part series on stewardship covering:
- Finances and material possessions
- Time
- Talents and Spiritual Gifts
- Creation - Care of God's earth

Monday Jul 30, 2012
Monday Jul 30, 2012
Every person has gifts and talents that are a reflection of the creativity of God. But those very gifts and talents can disconnect us from God and true humanity. Like single cardiac cells which keep beating when isolated from the heart, we need to be reconnected to the heart of service. Jesus reconnects us through his own life of service. This sermon is Part 3 of a four-part series on Stewardship: 1. Finances 2.Time 3. Gifts and talents 4. Creation(Care of God's earth) The other sermon mp3s and bible studies can be accessed on this podcast. The sermon is designed to be used with the bible study found at this link and the Prezi zooming visuals found at this link It was preached at St John's Southgate Lutheran Church on Sunday July 29, 2012. Enjoy!

Monday Jul 23, 2012
The Trouble with Chronos - a Sermon on the Stewardship of Time
Monday Jul 23, 2012
Monday Jul 23, 2012
Time is one of the most valuable gifts we have. The Book of Ecclesiastes famously assures us that 'There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven.' But so often we say 'I don't have enough time!' This sermon examines our stewardship of the precious gift of time, and helps us to move from chronos (time that happens to us) to kairos (God's time, holy time, transformative time). The sermon is designed to be used in conjunction with:
It's the second in a four part series on Stewardship, including: 1. Finances 2. Time 3. Gifts and Talents 4. God's earth (creation) The sermon was preached on Sunday 22nd July, 2012 at St John's Southgate Lutheran Church. Enjoy!
Monday Jul 16, 2012
Get Real - Stewards of God part 1: Finances
Monday Jul 16, 2012
Monday Jul 16, 2012
In his generosity, God gives all we have. Stewardship involves Real Gift, Real Responsibility, and Real Joy. This sermon gets real with God's gifts of finances through exploring the parable of the Talents in Matthew 25:14-33 and Paul's instructions to the Corinthian church about financial giving in 2 Corinthians ch 8 and 9. It can be used with the bible study found at this link and the Prezi zooming visuals found at this link. Enjoy!

Monday Jun 25, 2012
Job 38 - the Greatness of the Creator and the problem of suffering
Monday Jun 25, 2012
Monday Jun 25, 2012