
Monday Nov 04, 2013
Finding the Lost - Jesus and Zacchaeus, Luke 19
Monday Nov 04, 2013
Monday Nov 04, 2013
It's possible to 'have it all' and still be empty and lost.
Zacchaeus, one of the richest men in Jericho, knew this.
He was trying to fill three deep human needs - the quest for intimacy, the quest for adequacy, the quest for identity - in ways that just got him more and more lost.
Then Jesus came along, and Zacchaeus got a glimmer of hope - for Jesus came to seek and save what was lost.
This sermon was preached at Sunday Night at St John's on November 3, 2013.
It's designed to be used with
- The Prezi zooming visuals found at this link
- The PDF bible study found at this link (coming soon)

Monday Oct 28, 2013
The Pharisee and the Tax Collector (Luke 18:9-14)
Monday Oct 28, 2013
Monday Oct 28, 2013
No one is worthy but everyone is welcome...
In Luke 19, Jesus tells a story that proclaims the mercy of God. No-one is worthy to stand in God's presence, no matter how 'good' they are, but bby God's mercy everyone is welcome
None of us can make ourselves right with God - but God does not leave us in our sin and death. He comes to us through Jesus to make us right with himself.
This sermon was preached on October 27, 2013, at Sunday Night at St John's Southgate.
It's designed to be used with the Prezi zooming visuals found at this link.

Monday Sep 16, 2013
The Parable of the Diligent Woman and the Lost Coin
Monday Sep 16, 2013
Monday Sep 16, 2013
We might feel uncomfortable comparing the work of God with a diligent woman. But this is exactly what Jesus does in Luke 15. A woman who has lost a precious coin is used as an exemplar of God's mission of finding the lost.

Monday Sep 09, 2013
Philemon - the story of a runaway slave
Monday Sep 09, 2013
Monday Sep 09, 2013
St Paul's letter to Philemon is one of the most personal pieces of literature to make it into the canon of the New Testament. How did it come about that Paul met Onesimus, the runaway slave? What was it like for Onesimus to return to his former master, now as a Christian? What is it like to be part of the 'fellowship of the forgiven'?
This sermon is an imaginative exploration of Onesimus's homecoming.
It was preached at Sunday Night at St John's on September 8, 2013.
It can be used with

Monday Sep 02, 2013
Hebrews 13 - a life of integrated worship
Monday Sep 02, 2013
Monday Sep 02, 2013
Hebrews 13 may at first glance appear as an unconnected bunch of instructions grouped together at the end of the letter because they didn't seem to belong anywhere else.
But what holds this chapter together is the presence of the unchanging Jesus, who 'is the same yesterday and today and forever.'
Every part of life is integrated in worship to God, worship that is acceptable to God because of Jesus.
We can know for sure that what we do in faith is pleasing to God and acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
This sermon was preached on 1st September 2013 at Sunday Night at St John's.
It's designed to be used with

Monday Aug 26, 2013
Isaiah 58: Justice, true fasting, and Sabbath
Monday Aug 26, 2013
Monday Aug 26, 2013
Not only in politics, but also in religion, it's highly prevalent to think 'It's all about me.'
Isaiah 58 challenges self-centred understandings of faith and religion and calls people to seek justice - to think of and seek the welfare of others, not just ourselves.
A true Christian life has been characterised as 'Faith, active in love, seeking justice.' It calls us to get involved with God's mission of liberation to the world, as Jesus himself liberates people from what binds them and twists them up.
This sermon was preached at Sunday Night at St John's on 25th August, 2013.
It is designed to be used with
- The Prezi zooming visuals found at this link
- The PDF Bible study found at this link (coming soon)

Monday Aug 19, 2013
Faith - a sermon on Hebrews 11
Monday Aug 19, 2013
Monday Aug 19, 2013
Is faith 'blind trust despite the evidence,' as Richard Dawkins provocatively describes it?
Is it historical knowledge or an intellectual assent to a set of doctrines?
Or is it something more profound and fundamental than that?
This sermon is based on Hebrews 11 and the story of Abraham's faith in God. It explores faith as a narrative, connecting us as part of a community of faith through both time and space. It was preached at Sunday Night at St John's on August 11th, 2013.
It is designed to be used with:
Note: a Bible study on Luke 12 and Hebrews 11-12 can be found at this link. It is not the bible study connected to this sermon but the following week's sermon (which was unfortunately not recorded) but it relates to the stories of faith of the persecuted people found in Hebrews 11 and 12.

Monday Aug 05, 2013
More and Enough - the parable of the rich fool (Luke 12)
Monday Aug 05, 2013
Monday Aug 05, 2013
MORE. Most of our economic system is based on the drive for more.
ENOUGH. Do we even know what 'enough' is in this age of excess?
Jesus tells a parable to warn people to 'be on their guard against any kind of greed' - to be on their guard against wanting, and striving for, 'more.' God's plan of shalom and wholeness is that everyone will have enough, no one will have too much, no one will have too little. Is it really possible to live in this way? Is it possible to live towards shalom in our society? This sermon explores the themes of 'more' and 'enough' and suggests ways of beginning to live towards 'shalom' where everyone has enough. It was preached at Sunday Night at St John's on August 4th, 2013.
It is designed to be used with:

Thursday Jul 25, 2013
A meditation on Mary and Martha
Thursday Jul 25, 2013
Thursday Jul 25, 2013
When Jesus visits Mary and Martha, he is not commenting on 'be-ers' and 'do-ers' - not playing off a contemplative spirituality against an activist spirituality. Martha's problem is not that she is active but that her meditation is on her rights and Mary's wrongs - her focus is on Mary, not on Jesus.
This sermon is an invitation to listen to Jesus through imaginatively engaging with the story from Martha's point of view.
It was preached on Sunday 21st July at Sunday Night at St John's, Southgate, Vic.

Wednesday Jul 17, 2013
Find your humanity part 6 - True humanity
Wednesday Jul 17, 2013
Wednesday Jul 17, 2013
Our true humanity consists in five fundamental relationships:
- Relationship with God
- Relationship with ourselves
- Relationship with other humans with whom we are in contact (community)
- Relationship with the wider human world
- Relationship with the cosmos - the created order
Unfortunately, God is easily displaced from the centre - and this then distorts all other relationships. Jesus restores God to God's rightful place and from this centre brings about transformation of all the other relationships - a restoration of true humanity.
This sermon was preached on Sunday 14th July 2013 at the Sunday Night at St John's service.