
Sunday Jan 31, 2016
How to have beautiful feet - a sermon on mission
Sunday Jan 31, 2016
Sunday Jan 31, 2016
Do you ever think much about your feet?

Sunday Dec 13, 2015
Prepare the way of the Lord
Sunday Dec 13, 2015
Sunday Dec 13, 2015
How do God's people prepare the way for God's coming?
More importantly, how does God prepare the way for his own coming in our lives and hearts?
Luke 3 contains a story which is told in multiple places in the bible, and which continues in our own lives. It's the story of God preparing a way - leveling hills and mountains, straightening crooked ways, walking with us through the rough spots in our lives, and filling the valleys with his presence.
This sermon was preached at Pakenham Lakeside Church on December 13th (3rd Sunday of Advent) 2015.
It can be viewed with the Prezi zooming visuals found at this link.

Sunday Nov 08, 2015
A corrupt religion and a poor widow (Mark 12)
Sunday Nov 08, 2015
Sunday Nov 08, 2015
Mark 12:38-43 has often been called 'The Generous Widow.' But unfortunately this is a misnomer. Jesus is not celebrating the widow's generous gift - he is lamenting the corrupt religious system that would take the last of a poor widow's money.
As people who belong to God, we have been given true spiritual riches by Jesus, who by his grace deals with all the dimensions of poverty: poverty of spiritual intimacy, poverty of community, poverty of self, poverty of stewardship. Jesus calls his people, his church, to walk with him and work alongside him in breaking the dimensions of poverty for others - not because of guilt but because of grace and the good news of the gospel.
This sermon was preached at Pakenham Lakeside Church on Sunday November 8th, 2015.
It goes with the Prezi zooming visual found at this link.

Sunday Oct 11, 2015
Camels, needles, rich men, Jesus - and us (Mark 10:17-36)
Sunday Oct 11, 2015
Sunday Oct 11, 2015
A rich young man comes to Jesus asking 'Good teacher, what must I do to be saved?' The conversation takes a very unexpected turn.
Jesus says 'It is harder for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of Heaven than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle.'
But what if it was an infant pygmy camel and a giant novelty needle?
There are no loopholes in receiving the Kingdom of God and eternal life - Jesus has closed them all. There is only Jesus. What is impossible for people is possible for God.
This sermon was preached on Sunday 11th October 2015, at Lakeside College in Pakenham, Victoria.
It can be listened to in conjunction with the Prezi zooming visuals found at this link.

Thursday Oct 01, 2015
James 5 - pray for healing
Thursday Oct 01, 2015
Thursday Oct 01, 2015
Part of Jesus' mission, during his incarnation, was to bring healing to people - spiritual healing, forgiveness, physical healing, emotional and social healing. Jesus continues his healing ministry today, sometimes in miraculous ways, sometimes in more 'normal' ways such as through medical professions. Ultimately, all who believe in Jesus will receive healing by being 'raised up' to new life after death, where there is no more disease or mourning or crying or pain.
When we pray for healing, we do not manipulate God. It's not our faith or our pious prayers that have great power - we simply put ourselves into the gracious hands of Jesus and ask him to do what is good for us.
This sermon was preached at Lakeside College, Pakenham on Sunday 27th September 2015.

Sunday Aug 23, 2015
Ephesians 6 - Spiritual warfare
Sunday Aug 23, 2015
Sunday Aug 23, 2015
The war is won, but the battle is real.
This sermon explores the reality of spiritual warfare, the nature of the enemy's strategy, the armour of God, and the victory of God through the lens of Ephesians 6:10-20.
It can be used in conjunction with the Prezi zooming visuals found at this link.
The sermon was preached at the Pakenham Lutheran church planting project on Sunday 23rd August 2015.

Monday Aug 10, 2015
Be imitators of God Ephesians 4-5
Monday Aug 10, 2015
Monday Aug 10, 2015
Do your desires define your identity? Or does your identity define and refine your desires?
As people who belong to God, we are to 'put off the old self' and 'put on the new self made to be like Christ in true righteousness and holiness.' Christian virtue is about a positive imitation of Jesus, not just about 'not doing bad stuff' - and this imitation is powered by the Spirit of God through the Gospel.
This sermon was preached in Pakenham on August 9th, 2015.
It can be used in conjunction with the Prezi zooming visuals found at this link.

Monday Jul 27, 2015
The feeding of the 5000 (John 6)
Monday Jul 27, 2015
Monday Jul 27, 2015
Philip has an attitude of scarcity.
Andrew has an attitude of possibility.
The boy who shares his lunch has an attitude of generosity.
Jesus - he has an attitude of trust in God's provision, and an attitude of abundance.
Jesus takes what has already been given to us by God, the little we can offer, and gives thanks for it and offers it back to God - to do good things for the sake of others.
How does Jesus feed the 5000? He simply does what God the Father has been doing every day since the beginning ...providing people's needs. When we trust that God provides for us, we can move from an attitude of scarcity to an attitude of abundance, from selfishness to generosity, from fear to faith.
This sermon was preached at the Pakenham Lutheran church planting project on Sunday, July 26, 2015.

Sunday Jul 19, 2015
For Maturing Christians - Mark 5, violence, abuse and the gospel
Sunday Jul 19, 2015
Sunday Jul 19, 2015
This is an 'M' rated sermon. It contains violence, sexualisation, and adult themes...for Maturing Christians.
The narrative in Mark 6 - the death of John the Baptist - is at first glance, a horrific reading. We might even ask 'Why is this in the Bible? How can the good news of Jesus come through this reading?'
But when we stop to reflect, this passage echoes themes which come through strongly in our own society. Unjust imprisonment. Sexualisation of girls. Objectification of women. Abuse and violence within the family. Murder.
If the Gospel of Jesus can't address such issues, it's a gospel that is too small. But our God CAN handle our M-rated world. It was to address such issues as these - which arise from what the bible calls sin - that Jesus came into the world.
I can't say 'enjoy' this sermon. I hope it will challenge you and give you hope in our Saviour, Jesus.
The sermon can be used with the Prezi zooming visuals found at this link.

Monday Jun 29, 2015
Jesus, hope for humanity - Mark 5
Monday Jun 29, 2015
Monday Jun 29, 2015
Jairus comes to Jesus with one of the most poignant requests in the bible: 'My little daughter is dying. Come and put your hand on her so she may be healed and live.'
Like Jairus, as a father, I would do whatever it takes for my daughter to get better.
As Jesus is on his way to help Jairus's daughter, he encounters another desperate person: the bleeding woman.
Jesus' gracious response to both the woman and Jairus is to heal, to save, to restore in community, and to give dignity.
We are suffering from a fatal disease. The bible calls it sin. It leads to death and isolates us from God and others. But God our father will do whatever it takes to see us 'saved' - healed, made whole, forgiven, restored in community. He does this through Jesus' gracious response to our desperate situation...
This sermon was preached on Sunday June 28th at the Lutheran church plant in Pakenham, Victoria.
It can be used in conjunction with the Prezi zooming visuals found at this link.