
Sunday Apr 23, 2017
Good Friday: the dying King
Sunday Apr 23, 2017
Sunday Apr 23, 2017
John's gospel makes it clear that Jesus' crucifixion is also his enthronement as King of the Universe. The symbols used in mockery point to a deep truth: the crown of thorns, the purple robe, and the notice of the charge against Jesus. Jesus is the dying king, who gives his life into death so that we might live. This sermon was preached at Pakenham Lakeside Church on Good Friday, April 14th, 2017.

Sunday Apr 23, 2017
Maundy Thursday: The serving King
Sunday Apr 23, 2017
Sunday Apr 23, 2017
On Maundy Thursday, Jesus comes to us as the serving King: who gets his own hands dirty so we may be clean; who gives his life so that we might live.
This sermon was preached at Pakenham Lakeside Church on Maundy Thursday, 13th April, 2017.

Tuesday Mar 14, 2017
L Plate disciples part 4: Word of God
Tuesday Mar 14, 2017
Tuesday Mar 14, 2017
The 'Word of God' is primarily, before anything else, a PERSON - Jesus, the incarnate Word (John 1:1).
The Bible, God's written Word in Scripture, points us to Jesus is focussed on him. Jesus says the Old Testament Scripture is written concerning him (Luke 24) and the explicit purpose of the New Testament is 'These are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing, you may have life in his name.' So the primary purpose of the bible, among all its other purposes, is to point us to the Incarnate Word, the person, Jesus. In that way it functions as God's instruction manual and love letter.
This sermon was preached at Pakenham Lakeside Church on Sunday 12th February 2017.
NOTE: The sermon as recorded includes discussion and interaction about barriers and roadblocks to reading and engaging with God's written Word in Scripture, and practical ways of addressing those. Please use those times to think through these questions for yourself.
The sermon can be enhanced by viewing the Prezi zooming visuals found at this link.

Tuesday Feb 28, 2017
L Plate disciples Part 3: Mission and witness
Tuesday Feb 28, 2017
Tuesday Feb 28, 2017
'Mission begins with a kind of explosion of joy.' So writes Leslie Newbigin.
The words 'witness' and 'mission' often have the capacity to make Christians feel guilty because we 'should' be witnessing, we 'should' be in mission! And yet biblically, witness is who we are. Jesus says to his disciples, 'You are the salt of the earth. You are the light of the world.'
And likewise 'mission' is not primarily our own action, but it's participation in God's work - an invitation into an 'explosion of joy' - rather than a burden.
This sermon invites you to shed some of your guilt about mission and witness, and enter into the joy of God that comes from knowing - and sharing - the risen Jesus.
It was preached on Sunday 26th February 2017 at Pakenham Lakeside Church.
It can be enhanced by viewing the Prezi zooming visuals found at this link.

Sunday Feb 12, 2017
L Plate Disciples part 2: Prayer (Learning from Jesus)
Sunday Feb 12, 2017
Sunday Feb 12, 2017
Most Christians would like to have a stronger prayer life. When Jesus teaches his disciples to pray, he doesn't give them 'Proven Practical Principles for Powerful Prayer.' He doesn't give them 'Six Super Steps for Speaking to the Supreme Being.'
Explore prayer and learn from Jesus. He prays in the Lord's prayer as if he were us - and invites us to pray as if we were him. What a great gift!
This sermon was preached at the gathered worship of Pakenham Lakeside Church on Sunday 12th February, 2017.
It can be used together with the Prezi zooming visuals found at this link.

Monday Jan 23, 2017
L Plate Disciples: Learning from Jesus (Matthew 4:12-23
Monday Jan 23, 2017
Monday Jan 23, 2017
When you first get behind the wheel of a car as an L-plate driver you realise there is SO MUCH going on. There is a lot to learn! And you can only learn it by doing it. With a good instructor.
When it comes to the Kingdom of God, we are all L-platers. Learners, that is, not losers. We are called to follow Jesus - as Peter, James, John and Andrew were - and to learn from him living by our side. There is so much to learn! And we can only learn it by doing it - living life beside Jesus in the Kingdom of God.
This sermon explores the call and equipping of Jesus through the lens of Matthew 4:12-23.
It was preached on Sunday February 22nd at Pakenham Lakeside Church.
This sermon can be used together with the Prezi zooming visuals found at this link.

Sunday Oct 23, 2016
Sunday Oct 23, 2016
Now let's get one thing straight. The Pharisee in this parable was a good guy. And the Tax Collector was a bad bloke.

Sunday Oct 09, 2016
Luke 17:11-19 Private faith and public thanksgiving
Sunday Oct 09, 2016
Sunday Oct 09, 2016
It's a well known story - the story of Jesus healing ten men with leprosy. Only one of them comes back to thank him.

Wednesday Aug 17, 2016
Hebrews 12: Spectator or participant?
Wednesday Aug 17, 2016
Wednesday Aug 17, 2016
With the Olympics in Rio, we turn our attention to one of the sporting metaphors of the New Testament, found in Hebrews 12. Are you are spectator or a participant? Will you meet your destiny or face devastation? What will it take to persevere in the race of faith?

Thursday Jul 14, 2016
A matter of life and death - Jesus and the Lawyer, the Good Samaritan
Thursday Jul 14, 2016
Thursday Jul 14, 2016
The parable of the Good Samaritan is so well known that it's even gone down in the English language. But this is not just a 'nice story' Jesus told with an ethical exhortation at the end. Jesus engages in narrative theology - and the story he tells the expert in Jewish law has multiple layers of depth and meaning. It's actually a matter of life and death!